Tuesday 20 September 2016

Siege of Louisbourg 1758

This scenario is only part of the entire siege game, and describes the French sortie out to attack the British trenches to disrupt the progress of work. 
Further posts will demonstrate other aspects of the whole siege: i) the strategic turns of bombardment and preparations on both sides, ii) the attack on the breach, iii) the night raid in the harbour, and iv) Kennington Cove shore landing- where the British first gained foothold on the Isle Royale.

French Companie-de-la-Marin take up positions to throw a musket ball at any redcoat venturing onto the glacis.

Companie-de-la-Marin muster at the courtyard of the Governor's Mansion. 

French Bombardiers ready their positions for the coming artillery duels.

View onto the Demi-Bastion

French Grenadiers sortie out of the Gate
French attempt to dismantle British siege works during a sortie.

Scottish Highlanders counterattack to drive the French sortie forces out of the trench line.
French regulars with a native ally scout provide support on the sortie attack.
British sentry calls for a password as French advance under cover of early morning dark.

Companie-de-la-Marin advance through empty trench works in the early morning, after dispatching the few sentries.

French Regular infantry support the sortie, awaiting to advance from the covered way.

French Grenadiers lead by their Capitaine  on horse.

A capitaine of the Companie-de-la-Marin leads his company along the covered way  unseen by  the British.

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